Oct 28, 2024

Your Guide to Election Day

Election Day November 5 Vote

November 5th is right around the corner. Now is the time to make a plan to ensure your voice is heard!  

Not sure where to start? First time voting? We’re here to help. Follow this guide to make sure you’re prepared for the polls when Election Day rolls around! 

#1: Check your registration status  

It’s up to you to make sure you’re registered and ready to go. If you registered in advance, you're all set! Not registered? Moved since the last election? Check your state’s same-day registration rules and find out where to register on Election Day. If your registration site is different from your polling place, be sure you have time to hit both stops—it's worth it!  

#2: Choose your candidates  

Do your research! Check #VoteProChoice’s voter guide to identify the pro-reproductive freedom candidates on your ballot and make your voting experience easier.  

#3: Plan your day  

Depending on your polling location and whether you choose to walk, bike, drive, or take public transit, you may need to give yourself a bigger time window to travel. Lines can get long, so bring a water bottle and a snack!  

#4: Be prepared  

From taking off work to arranging childcare and transportation, be sure you have a plan in place to get yourself to the polls. And don’t forget your ID—check this map of voter ID laws to find out the requirements in your state.  

#5: Communicate   

Don’t be afraid to speak up! Volunteers at your polling location are happy to help clarify any questions you have.  

The Election Protection hotline is 866-OUR-VOTE. Call the hotline if you think your rights have been violated or to report any problem with the voting process; attorneys are standing by.  

With reproductive freedom on the line, it's never been more crucial to get to the polls and carry out your most important civic duty. Vote like your future depends on it—because it does!  

Your body, your choice. Need birth control, UTI treatment, emergency contraception, or the abortion pill? Get care from your desktop browser or mobile phone today with Planned Parenthood Direct!

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