Nov 22, 2023

Avoid Birth Control Shipping Delays this Holiday Season

Avoid birth control shipping delays with Planned Parenthood Direct app

Winter is coming!  

In all of the anticipation that comes with holiday prep, don’t forget to take care of YOU! Luckily, staying on top of your sexual health is easy to do through the Planned Parenthood Direct app.   

With the option to choose from many types of birth control on the app (including the pill, patch, and ring), you can be sure to find a method that fits your lifestyle. You can also get your birth control shipped for free to your door in a discreet white envelope. 

Now is not too soon to order! Shipping delays often occur this time of year, so remember to request your birth control pills early to ensure they arrive on time. Pro tip: you can simplify your sexual health even more by opting in for automatic refills, and you can move up existing refills if you’re a mail order patient! Simply reach out to our support team for help.

During a time of year where delays are being reported on an increasing basis, we strongly recommend signing up for email and/or text notifications using your tracking number on the USPS website for an easy way to track your prescription:

Give yourself the stress-free season you deserve! Open the Planned Parenthood Direct app today and cross “get birth control pills” off your holiday to-do list. 

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