I am having trouble logging in

If you are unable to log into the app and are receiving the error message that says, "That email or password isn't right. Please try again," the username/email and/or password you are using is probably incorrect. 

You’ll want to confirm: 

  1. Are you using the correct username/email? 
  2. Do you know which email address is associated with the account? Are you sure?  
    1. To see if you’re using the correct email address, tap the "Forgot Password?" link on the sign-in screen and enter your email address. If you’ve entered the correct email, you will receive an email that says, “Let’s Get You Signed In” from "no-reply @ plannedparenthooddirect.org". Be sure to check both your inbox and spam folders.  
    2. If you’re not receiving the email mentioned above, the email that you entered is probably not tied to the account. Try entering your other commonly-used email addresses in the “Forgot Password?” field.  
  3. If you don't remember or no longer have access to the email address associated with the account, please reach out to our support team here.  
  4. Need to reset your password? Clicking "Forgot Password?" will send a password reset code to the email address associated with the account.  
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